By using this website, you signify your agreement to the Terms and Conditions mentioned below. Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before using this website.
It represents the person accessing the site, with private or professional purposes, who accepted the terms of this site, thus fulfilling all the requirements of the registration process.
Misuse is the use of the website in a manner contrary to the practice in the field, the regulations and the legislation in force or in any other way that may harmour company.
Information published on the site are general information about us, information about products sold by us, and other information considered to be of interest to users. Information is made available to users for free. Our company is the owner of all intellectual property rights of the website, its design and content. The user is obliged to comply with all intellectual property rights of us, under the laws in force. The user agrees to access and use this site for purposes and in ways that do not constitute a misuse.
1. Disclaimer of Liability
Our company does not assume responsibility for product descriptions presented in the shop. Still, we have worked hard to minimize all mistakes that may appear in electronic or manual editing of the information presented. Also, images are displayed on the website as an example, and the products supplied may differ from the images displayed on the site in any way due to changing characteristics, design without notice by the manufacturer. We reserve the right to supplement and amend any information on this site. Our company is not responsible for damage caused by malfunction of the site as well as those resulting from the inability to access certain links published on the website. The maximum value of the Company’s liabilities to any customer for non-delivery or incorrect delivery is the amounts received by the Company from the client.
2. Warranties and product availability
Items purchased through our site benefits from regular warranty of each product. Our company does not guarantee availability of stock of products displayed, so that the company will have the right not to deliver a certain order partially or completely if certain products do not appear in the current offer of the supplier or unavailable for other reasons (momentary lack of stock, depletion edition, etc.). If the price or other details of the products were displayed wrong, including the fact that they were set incorrectly in the database, our company has assigned the right to cancel delivery of the product and to notify the customer as briefly about the error occurred, if the delivery was not made yet.
3. Authenticity
All our products are original! They will get to you together with an invoice and a receipt issued by our company.
4. Defraud
Any attempt to access personal data of another user or change the content of our website, or to affect performance server running the website will be considered an attempt to defraud the website and will trigger criminal investigation against those who attempted this.
The entire content of the website, including images, text, animations, software, scripts and other data, is owned by our company and is protected by copyright law and laws on intellectual and industrial property rights. The use without written permission of our company of any items listed above are punishable by law. To report problems related to intellectual property rights, please contact us by filling out a contact form.
5. Litigation
Any litigation between the Customer and the Company will be resolved amicably. If the conflict did not settle amicably, the competence is Romanian courts.
6. Personal Information
Website’s user information is confidential and will be used only for commercial communications with partners. Any specific information about the situation and condition of the goods can be obtained by contacting us online at coordinates specified in this website. On our website, the user is responsible for all activities that occur by accessing his account and password. Our company can not be held responsible for errors arising in negligence user security and confidentiality of your account and password. For a better understanding of these terms, please consult Law. 677/2001 on the protection of individuals with regard to processing of personal data and the free movement of such data.
7. Security of personal data and information
Personal data entered by the buyer will be used by the Company only for the purpose stated on this website. Information from the order form is required to send order confirmations, delivery of ordered products, announce running promotions and so on. In any case, they will not be provided to third parties. The company guarantees the confidentiality of certain information. These data do not exist physically on servers running our website, they are accessible only by authorized personnel of the Company through internal network. Each user may see only their own personal data entered. Our website uses security measures against loss, alteration or misuse of information that is in control of the Company. If the loss of information is caused by errors in software where is designed and hosted, the Company does not assume any responsibility.
8. Recall
Our clients may request recall in the following situations:
1. Packages show severe damage;
2. Products were delivered / invoiced wrong. Products other than those requested must be notified immediately, and the consumer will refuse acceptance. Consumers may request its return for replacement, and if the product is not in stock, can opt for replacement or full refund of consideration. If they agree to replace it with a product of higher value, will pay the difference, or if the value is lower, will receive a partial refund to the value of the product replacement. Transportation costs for return and replacement product, if any, shall be borne by the customer.
3. Products manufacturing defects;
4 The products were sized incorrectly ordered by the Customer;
5. The consumer has the right to give notice in writing to the trader that he cancelles the purchase without penalty and without giving any reason, within 10 days after receiving the product. Also, in accordance with art. Article 7. 1 of Ordinance 130/2000, the Customer has the right to cancel the distance contract within 10 days of receipt of product / goods, without penalty and without giving any reason. In this case, the direct cost of returning the goods will fall, according to the law, on the Customer.
6. If they agree to replace it with a higher value product, the customer will pay the difference, or if the value is lower, will receive a partial refund to the value of the product replacement. Transportation costs for return and replacement product, if any, shall be borne by the customer.
The consumer has the right to give notice in writing to the trader that he cancelles the purchase without penalty and without giving any reason, within 10 days after receiving the product. Customer may request a change of product within 10 days of receipt of the package, without penalty and without giving any reason. If another product Applicants will pay the price difference if the product is more expensive. In case the customer opts for a cheaper product, the price difference will not be refunded. Our company will send requested product in return only after the customer returned product originally purchased. Reimbursement of the product or, if necessary, replacing it will be made within 30 days of return. Refunds or, if necessary, replace the product without penalty and without giving any reason, can be performed in the following circumstances: if the products have a seal, it must not be opened – the product must be returned sealed; condition of the goods purchased must to be like at their reception.
These provisions apply according O.G. 130/2000, if purchasing products from this website using distance communication techniques. The customer has the right to choose only once to return / replace a product under Article 4 paragraph 1 letter b) of GO 130/2000. In all cases refund / replacement products as a result of dropping the purchase cost of the return / replacement shall be borne by the customer. Quitting repeatedly purchase will be considered an abuse. Depending on customer behavior we reserve the right to select its customers.
NOTE: In case of any return products, they must be in the same condition, in original boxes with labels intact and with all documents which accompanied him (bill, warranty certificates and so on). While making an online order, the client declares that it understands and fully agrees with the above. Acceptance of these terms and conditions give rise to a genuine agreement between the parties, with clauses stated in Civil and Commercial Code.
Our company does not require its customers or users by any means of communication (e-mail / phone / SMS / etc) information regarding confidential data, accounts / credit cards or passwords. The customer assumes full responsibility for the disclosure of its confidential data to third parties. Our company disclaims any responsibility in case the client would be / is prejudiced in any way by a third party who would pretend to be / represent our interests. Customer shall inform our company on such attempts, using the contact details. Our company does not promote spam. Any customer who explicitly provided his email address on the site can choose to disable client account for this e-mail. Our communications made by electronic means of distance communication (ie e-mail) contain complete and consistent identification of the sender or links to them.
These goals achieved or not will be considered an attempt to defraud the Site. Our company reserves the right to put in motion criminal prosecution against those who tried to, or achieved these purposes: to access data from any type of another client by using an account or by any other method. to alter or modify the Site Content or any correspondence sent by any means to the Client affect performance of the server / servers that run the site to access or disclose to any third party that has no legal authority necessary, the content delivered by any means our company by the client when it is not legitimate recipient of content.
Our site makes public complete and accurate data to be identified and contacted by the Customer or Member By using the contact form or service on the site, member or client allows our company to contact him by any means available including electronic means. Partial or full completion of contact form and submitting it does not represent any commitment of our company to contact the member or customer. Accessing the site, use of information presented within it, visiting the pages or sending e-mails or notifications sent by us is done electronically, by telephone or any other means of communication available, members or clients, considering so that it consents to receiving notification from us by electronic means and / or telephone, including communications by e-mail or ads on the site. Our company reserves the right not to respond to all requests of any kind received by any means of communication (electronic, telephone, etc.).
12. Newsletters and Alerts
When the Member or Client creates an account on the Site, accepting the Terms and Conditions, he has the right to express or not the consent to receiving newsletters and / or alerts from our company. Data taken from the Member in order to dispatch their newsletters, and / or alerts, can and will be used by the limits of our Privacy Policy. The cancel of receiving their newsletters and / or alerts can be done at any time by the Member or Customer : using specially designed connection in any newsletters and / or alerts received. by modifying accept or receive newsletters and / or alerts and using pages from restricted areas by using the Account. by contacting our company, according to the contact information, and without any further obligation of any party to the other or neither party can claim damages from the other. The cancel of receiving their newsletters and / or alerts do not involve cancelof consent given for the document. Our company reserves the right to select the persons to who will send newsletters and / or alerts and the right to remove from its database any member or client who has previously expressed consent to receive newsletters and / or alerts, without further commitment from our company, or any prior notice thereof. Our company will not include in newsletters and / or alerts sent to members or clients, any other advertising material in the form of content that make reference to any third party who is not our company’s partner at the time of their dispatch-newsletters and / or alerts .
Our company collects personal data and special data (SSN) on its sites pages, only with the voluntary agreement of the Member or Customer, for the following purposes: – validation, delivery and billing orders to it; – problem-solving or cancellations of any kind relating to an order or a contract for services or products purchased by him; – to ensure its access to the service; – sending newsletters and / or periodic alerts in electronic format only; – Contact to voluntary request; – Contact in matters of the Customer Services; – For statistical purposes. To create an account, Social Security Number is mandatory only for members or clients taxable persons for the purposes of the Tax Code art. 155 lit. f). By signing up, each member or customer has consented to collect and our company effectively manage his personal data, in accordance with the provisions of Law 677/2001. Right of access to data Any Member or Client is entitled to obtain from our company, upon request and free of charge to one request per year, confirming that the data concerning him or not processed by it. Right to modify the data Any Member or Client is entitled to obtain from our company through a written, signed and dated request, free of charge: – Where appropriate, correction, updating, blocking or deletion of data whose processing does not comply with the law, especially incomplete or inaccurate data; – Where appropriate, transformation in anonymous data whose processing does not comply with the law.